Coates Response

Coates Response

Coates Response

by Suzette Brown -
Number of replies: 0

Ta-Nehisi Coates argued in his writings and video that Black people suffered injury in every area of their lives even after slavery. the brutal treatment of Black people in the southern states of America in the areas of employment, wages, housing, human rights and human treatment was repeated injury. Black people were hired for positions that White people refused. The wages for Blacks were significantly lower than their white co-workers. Housing for Black families was deplorable and over-priced. The treatment of Blacks was inhumane with the deaths, beatings and lynching for trying to exercise their equal rights to live, vote, and be counted.

     The migration to the north for a better life proved to be a great disappointment. Blacks were met with same circumstances they suffered in the south, if not worse. Chicago white residents did not want to live in the same communities that Black people lived in and eventually formed the housing projects, lower class housing for Blacks to live in away from white communities, after working Black people were repeatedly denied mortgages and were offered contracts that were designed to cause injury.

     Coates argued that reparations for African Americans was necessary due the injury of slavery, even though the slaves that suffered are no longer here the injury was inherited. The Holocaust was very devastating for the Jewish people and so was slavery for African American people and their families left behind who still suffer from lack of equality that stemmed from slavery should be paid reparations, whatever that looks like.