Coates Response

Coates In class Response

Coates In class Response

by Isaiah Dotson -
Number of replies: 1
Coates comparison of generational laws passed down through generations thought different in wording but still similar in it's purpose to less equate African Americans to White Supremacy resonated with me. This comparison of generational laws are both reflected in his reading and the video we watched in class. One of rhetorical appeals Coates uses in both the reading and the video African Americans still lived in chattel slavery times during Plessy vs Ferguson as they did prior to the enactments of the 13th and 14th Amendments. One example Coates mentions in both the reading and video is that Blacks had no protection laws in the justice systems that protected Blacks being lynched prior to exercising their 14th Amendment right to vote. Even through Blacks were no longer considered direct chattel under the 13th and 14th amendments abolishment of  slavery and prohibition to vote, Blacks were still robbed of their rights by getting killed prior to making it to the voting polls. I would like look at this situation as still a product of chattel slavery even though laws changed over generations, still the same concept of White Supremacy and the continuation of Black oppression. The interviewer did not seem to relate or want to understand Coates take by continuation to ask questions without giving a response.
In reply to Isaiah Dotson

Re: Coates In class Response

by Isaiah Dotson -
Apologize for the grammar consistencies in my response