In Class Coates Response

Catch up

Catch up

by Tahoorayah Moring -
Number of replies: 0

Ta-Nehisi's central argument is that the United States owes reparations to African Americans due to the centuries of Injustice they have endured, such as racial violence and economic exploitation. He argues that the legacy of slavery, Jim Crow laws, and discriminatory housing policies like redlining have created an enormous racial wealth gap that persists today. African Americans need financial compensation, but it helps all Americans. It will help white people stop feeling guilty if they ever did because they will have confronted the truth of America's history of racial oppression and take steps to address it. Coates argues that repartitions are not simply about financial compensation but about recognizing the deep moral and ethical debt owed to African Americans. By paying reparations, the USA would acknowledge the exploitation that shaped the nation's wealth and social structure.

*key words As an American * catch up * white people *

the build-up was Taken from one group to another

The Interview seemed very  engaged very interested and Quiet