In Class Coates Response

Coates Interview- Kyrah Stevens

Coates Interview- Kyrah Stevens

by Kyrah Stevens -
Number of replies: 0

Coates's central argument is that people of color are so behind economically that the financial gap cannot be closed. Not all people of color live in poverty or need government assistance. There are many people of color excelling in life. The interviewer seemed very open and willing to learn. A few words that stuck out to me are "white supremacy" & "negro problems." He defined white supremacy as "a certain group of people who hails with a certain ancestry should always be ensured that they will not sink to a certain level." The level they ensure they won't sink to is the level people of color are on. Even in today's society, certain cultures feel that people of color are beneath them. He builds upon his article by explaining a few main points. He stated, that when people of color acknowledge how unfairly they were treated by other races they are told "Well what do white people owe the black people?" He also stated that melanin represented a bottom to different cultures, which is upsetting to hear. He also gets into how people of color got judged harder than people of other races. He went into a further explanation to say how the system is designed to injure African Americans. Which in my opinion is one of his main reasons for making the article.