Coates Response

Coates response

Coates response

by Rikki Gray -
Number of replies: 0

1)Coates mentioned blacks being “Injured” when African Americans are born they are born in to nothing, while whites are born in to this world getting things handed to them, if you are black you have to work 10X as harder to be successful or to be something, for example the wealth gap whites were being payed 20X as much as the black people were and were paying way more to live in their homes that they didn’t own.

2) I would say he used pathos a good amount when he talked about Clyde’s personal story about the great migration how Clyde didn’t receive emblem citizenship, and how he came to Chicago and didn’t get the experience he envisioned. He also used Logos as well when he showed the map and it showed who the FHA gave money to and who they didn’t give money to.

3) When Clyde was talking he would tend to say I’m not saying this because your white and I noticed the interviewer didn’t seem to get defensive he seemed genuinely interested and want to understand more I forgot what question he ask Coats but Coats response was when we think about reparation we think about what the whites owe the black but that’s not all he was saying he was saying I want whites to look back and think about all the events that occurred and to just acknowledge it.