In Class Coates Response

Coates Forum

Coates Forum

by Amarria Porter -
Number of replies: 0

Coates central argument was that the system was created against black people from the start. No what how "free" or great America got black people will always be thrown in the lower bracket. Some keys things he said to me that relates to that is "African Americans were always cut out and redlined" which means that even when they left one place or did one thing the outcome will always 9/10 be the same. He uses the word (injure/Injured) a lot during the video and not the way we would think about it. He states, "Policy designed to injure African Americans" and a couple statements later he talks about the "Injury Gap" which he is stating that a black child will arrive and come into this world with injuries that a white child would not. What he's saying by that is black kid comes out with the odds already against them weather it's from the neighborhood or simply the color of their skin they are going to have to face diversity. Where a white kid comes out just able to be a kid. It seems it's always a tale of two cities when it comes to black and white. What he builds upon from the text is that White people always find a way to institutionalize black people in any way that they can a lot of times its unknown until it gets out of hand.  White supremacy is something that is the big take of both the story and video from what I'm understanding. He states that white supremacy to him is whites of all different origins never getting to the levels that blacks are at. For a long time Irish, Jew whites, and Italians didn't blend in with the "white culture" and after a while they did but the only ones who never did were African Americans. The interviewer responds in a way that seems genuine to understanding what Coates s was speaking about. His questions where very open and broad for him to be a white man and being on the other side of the fence. He seemed genuinely concerned on what was going on and taking place.