In Class Coates Response

In Class Coates Response - Dorian Vaughns

In Class Coates Response - Dorian Vaughns

by Dorian Vaughns -
Number of replies: 0

Coates, core objective of this argument is that the difficulty with the entire Reparation argument is the fact that it is not about "what do whites owe blacks"; rather, it is about what does America owe itself. Coates, Examines the widespread influence of systematic racism in American culture.

His core point is that racism is profoundly rooted in the foundations of American society and has consistently shaped Black people's lives. Coates, highlights that systemic inequality is a structural issue affecting economic prospects, housing, education, and justice, rather than merely individual bias.

As said inĀ "The Case for Reparations" Coates, Said "The kind of trenchant racism to which black people have persistently been subjected can never be defeated by making its victims more respectable. The essence of American racism is disrespect." What I get from this is that there's just no room for any disrespect nor racism in America in it is time for thing to change but Coates wants us to become a part of that change. - Dorian Vaughns