Forum Response: Impactful Education Experiences

impactful education experiences

impactful education experiences

by Ja'mya Linear -
Number of replies: 0

The turning point that profoundly influenced my outlook on formal education took place when I was awarded a scholarship to attend Chicago State University. I found myself at a crossroads, deliberating whether to stay close to home or embark on a new and enriching venture at a historically black college or university (HBCU). When the opportunity presented itself, it felt like fate had intervened, setting me on the path to where I am today. This incredible opportunity came with a requirement to wait until the middle of the school year to begin my journey. Despite encountering numerous challenges, including being involved in a serious car accident, having to sell my car, sustaining severe cuts from shattered glass, and living three hours away from my school with no personal transportation, I remained steadfast in my determination to overcome these obstacles. I relied on public transit to navigate through the snowy and icy winter months, spending approximately four hours commuting each day, feeling constantly fatigued and drained. However, I refused to waver in my belief that opportunities were unfolding for me and was resolute in making the most of them. With faith as my guiding force, I managed to conquer these obstacles, and now I am completely dedicated to maintaining my focus and determination. During my initial semester, apart from getting to know everyone, I was personally selected by Dr. Kenneth Knole for an interview. He inquired about how the Rise Scholarship had supported me. The Rise Scholarship has provided me with the opportunity to pursue my studies in the state of Illinois, enabling me to study in the city where I grew up and offering the financial stability necessary to support my future aspirations. Through Rise, I have been connected with several mentors, assistants, and professors who have shown unwavering dedication in guiding me towards success. The program has nurtured a strong sense of familial support, easing my transition into university life and enabling me to explore all that the campus has to offer as a freshman. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunities that Rise has provided and continues to provide. That's why I chose this topic today because this experience has been a blessing and has been the most impactful in shaping my view of formal education. Until I received the scholarship, I didn't realize how determined I was for success; it took a significant event to make me realize it. It turns out I want it as bad as enduring two long train rides of four hours each, struggling through the daily commute tirelessly. I want it so intensely that it keeps me up at night until 1 AM and wakes me up at 4 AM in the morning. Thank you.