Administrative Mentor

Opened: Tuesday, May 23, 2023, 7:55 AM
Due: Sunday, August 6, 2023, 10:55 PM

Greetings class, 

you will seek out an administrative mentor and define the following in a short paper after an interview with the administrator:

Position title and agency, responsibilities (job description), details or responsibilities outside their description, external "field-based" responsibilities and roles, chronology of their career arc, where they are going, and most importantly what can you do to advance a "back burner" project they have been hoping to work on when they find help, time etc.? 

This write up is worth 40 points, the interview is worth 40 points and contributing to their agency in a targeted project is worth 20 points.  Assignment is 100 points. The assignment should serve in a primarily administrative capacity.
