In Class Coates Response

Coates Forum

Coates Forum

by Te?vian Clinton -
Number of replies: 0
In the interview Coates is arguing the institualized racism caused by white americans. Also, he forced the viewers to ask themselves, " What does America owe to Africans Americans". He stated that " Jim Crow is just resources being taking from one group( blacks) to benefit another( whites). This being money, land, education, and more. You can not prevail in life without resources that makes you human. He builds upon the fact that policies made were establish to injure that African american community for years. Coates needed the viewers to understand that we are all Americans, but whites have to understand that they created this racism. In the article by Coates and the first video we watched, a man name Clyde Ross was an example of the failing system. Clyde was a part of a group of black people who were taken advantage of when it came to housing in the north. Fact policies were made, causing black people to have to pay more than expexted. Clyde stated that he had to work three jobs and barely got to see his family. He then stated " we have been cheated out of more than money, but also being human". This caused many problems, including family dynamics( brought to my attention by fellow classmate). Coates wanted America to know that if policies do not work for all they should not be put in place.