
Welcome OCTers - The course is officially open!

Welcome OCTers - The course is officially open!

by Rochelle Johnson -
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Hello OCTers,

I am Rochelle Johnson and I will be your online facilitator for the next few weeks.

Please note! The Online Certification Training is an entirely online course. There are no physical face to face sessions. This is typically a five-week session but due to technical difficulties, the late start and the holidays this will be a shorter session.  Much of the information will be provided as videos and/or webinars.

The course is officially open today, December 4, 2023, and will conclude January 5, 2024. This is NOT an individually-paced course although at times you will have an opportunity to work ahead. Much like a face-to-face course, there are due dates for assignments, quizzes, and discussion postings. Some due dates may be relaxed. Each module will inform you when the assignments for that module are due.

This course requires time to complete some of the activities, especially as you near the end of the course. You are basically making a time commitment by participating in the course. The final project can be challenging so plan to spend more time completing that.

Having said all of that, OCT will be available for you to log in now.

Once you have logged into your Moodle account, please look on your dashboard for and select the course titled "December 2023 Online Certification Training (OCT)". Look at the Course Overview video and complete the "Getting Started Activities".

Everyone will be responsible for completing a final project and will have a final project course. The course is available for you to practice in and begin the development of your final project (the creation of your Introduction and 2 lesson modules in Moodle). If you have taken a previous session of OCT you should already have a final project course shell and can use that. If you do not see your final project course shell please email me right away.

If you have questions, please email me: or use the ”Ask Me Anything" forum. I generally answer questions within 8-12 hours.

I think that is all for now. I look forward to working with you! I will be online for the weekly online office hour Thursday, December 7, 2023, at 10:30 am. to answer any questions.

P.S. If you cannot find the training  on your Moodle dashboard, here is the direct link.