Who has two thumbs and is dedicated to your success? This professor right here!
For me, working with nontraditional students is what one of my friends and colleagues calls "the heart work": a calling that I pour my whole heart into. I'm happy that you'll be joining me in the AIL 1500 Orientation so that we can do the "heart work" of lifelong learning together.
Feel free to contact me in any of the following ways:
VIRTUAL DROP IN HOURS: https://csu-edu.zoom.us/my/april.andryrahman
Mondays @ 12 - 2 pm | Fridays @ 4:30 - 6:30 pm
(If those times don't work for you, reach out to me to find a better time to connect)
EMAIL: aandry20@csu.edu
TEXT: 708-689-9870